Charr fishing on the ice.
Gränslandet is well-known and well-loved among anglers. Here you find everything from accessible lakes and streams to remote favourite haunts. Here are a few tips:
Some famous fishing waters
Lake Rogen and surrounding lakes are known for their fine charr fishing in winter. In summer you catch brown trout, and grayling bite best in late summer and autumn.
In the small lakes around Käringsjön and Käringsjövallen there are great opportunities for catching large grayling.
The rivers Røa and Grøtåa, which flow down to Femunden offer exciting fishing for brown trout and grayling.
The Hävlinge lake system is known for its charr fishing, from the ice in winter and from boats in summer. There is also plenty of brown trout. Boats can be hired at the Hävlinge cottages, where you can also overnight.
The river Storån, which drains Lake Hävlingen to the south, is famous for its fly-fishing for brown trout. Fishing is subject to quota, which means that only a certain number of fishermen are permitted per day.
Femunden and Feragen are large, open lakes containing all the fish species in Gränslandet. Fishing from boat is recommended. Femunden is also renowned for its commercial whitefish fishing.
Fishing licence
You must have a valid fishing licence and you may only fish in permitted waters. Fishing licences can be purchased in many places, for example supermarkets and tourist centres, and online. To find out which licence you need, ask on location or click on the links to the right.
Sami fishing rights
Fishing is an important part of Sami culture and members of Sami villages have exclusive fishing rights in some waters. This means that no one else can fish there.
Successful grayling fishing.
Perch caught in winter.
Caddiesflies, a treat for fish.
When you fish you must have valid fishing licence.
Photos: Naturcentrum AB.
Fishing links
Fishing water guide for Sweden »
Dalarna County Administrative Board »
Fish in Gränslandet
brown trout