Ancient camp site? Photo: Naturcentrum AB.
There are many fine camping areas in Gränslandet, but they can be far apart. And it’s not always easy to pitch a tent on a windy, bare mountain or in a rocky terrain. So start looking early!
Camp sites
As a service for visitors there are a few prepared camp sites. They are equipped with a fireplace and space for tents, and sometimes there is a wind shield where you can seek shelter from the weather. You’re permitted to stay temporarily, but not for a longer time in the same spot. Everyone is welcome, even if there are people there before you!
Sensitive birds
Black-throated diver and osprey leave their nests when people approach. Avoid pitching camp if you see these birds nearby.
Dinner time. Photo: Kentaroo Tryman.
Camp site
Camp sites are shown on the map »
You may camp almost anywhere, but not here!
- In Töfsingdalen National Park.
- By the lakes Töfsingen, Stora Våndsjön and Hävlingen, by the upper reaches of the river Storån, and Lake Burusjön, unless there are prepared camp sites.
- On islands in Femundsmarka National Park.
- Near birds’ nests.
- Near locked cabins or huts – they are often private.
Persons arranging organised activities...
... have special responsibilities. In Norway, groups must always use prepared camp sites. Contact the County Governor for further information.
The organising of large or regular events in Sweden should be made in consultation with the county administrative board. Read more about rules that apply for organised outdoor recreation here »