
Long-distance walking in Gränslandet. Photo: Naturcentrum AB.Long-distance walking in Gränslandet. Photo: Naturcentrum AB.


Gränslandet offers walks for all tastes. There are many mountain tops to climb and you can make excursions to lakes, waterfalls and mountain holdings. Or you might choose a challenging hike across mountains in unique wilderness terrain.

Easy day walks...

In the southern parts of Gränslandet you find accessible mountain terrain at Idre and around Grövelsjön-Elgå. Here you can stay in comfort and make short or long day excursions. In the northern parts, you can start from Langen Farm, offering beautiful walks between forests and lakes in Langtjønna Protected Landscape. Or why not combine a boat trip on MS Fæmund II with a short day walk in Femundsmarka. For those who want to explore the area around Rogen, Käringsjön is a good starting point.

You can also use some of the tourist huts as a base. The cottages at Rogen, Hävlinge, Ljøsnavollen and Svukuriset are all within a day’s walk from a motor road. From the cottages, you can plan suitable day walks depending on weather, wind and mood.

... or more challenging

Experienced walkers looking for more challenges can explore the heart of Femundsmarka National Park and Rogen Nature Reserve, perhaps in search of the desolate Juttulslätten or the wilderness in Hågådalen. Gränslandet’s interior can be quite difficult to penetrate, with bouldery terrain, old pine forests, wild ravines and remote fells. But there are also hidden, idyllic valleys with a mosaic of small lakes and streams. Your walk will be determined by your own condition and nature’s conditions; far, far away from every-day life and civilisation.

Round Gränslandet for the fittest!

This tough week’s walk takes you around large parts of Gränslandet on marked summer trails. The daily stages are long, in stony and arduous terrain, demanding even for experienced fell walkers. The walk takes longer than you may expect and is hard on both knees and ankles. You can walk in either direction, and there are several alternative routes. If you bring a tent you have more flexibility, but then your pack will be heavier. Note that you must bring a key for the cottage in Røvollen.

Start: Grövelsjön.

Day 1: Grövelsjön–Svukuriset. Boat 6 kilometres. Walk 17 kilometres. Overnight accommodation and food in Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) lodge.

Day 2: Svukuriset–Røvollen, 18 kilometres. Self-catering accommodation in DNT cabin. N.B. You must collect the key in advance.

Day 3: Røvollen–Skedbrostugan, 20 kilometres. Self-catering accommodation in Swedish Tourist Association (STF) tourist cottage.

Day 4: Skedbrostugan–Rogenstugan 17 kilometres. Self-catering accommodation in STF tourist cottage.

Day 5: Rogenstugan–Storrödtjärn 18 kilometres. Self-catering accommodation in STF tourist cottage.

Day 6: Storrödtjärn–Hävlingestugorna 9 kilometres. Self-catering accommodation in Dalarna County Administrative Board cottage or cabin.

Day 7: Hävlingestugorna–Grövelsjön 13 kilometres. Accommodation in mountain lodge or hotel.

Resting in the alpine heath. Photo: Kentaroo Tryman.Resting in the alpine heath. Photo: Kentaroo Tryman.

MS Fæmund II with walkers on their way to Femundsmarka.MS Fæmund II with walkers on their way to Femundsmarka.

Walking trails in Norway are marked with red Ts.Walking trails in Norway are marked with red Ts.

DNT cabin at Røvollen.DNT cabin at Røvollen.

Photos: Naturcentrum AB.


Femundsmarka »

Grövelsjö Mountains »


Reading tip

Gardsiö, J.2009: Vandringsturer i norra Dalarna. Vildmarksbiblioteket.

Grövelsjöfjällens turistförening. 2007: Vandra i Grövelsjön. 23 turer på egen hand.

Lauritzen, P. R. & Vangen, O. 2007: Femundsmarka och Gutulia. Norges Nasjonalparker. Den Norske Turistforening og Statens naturoppsyn/Direktoratet for naturforvaltning.

A red T...

... is the marking for summer trails on the Norwegian side.

Orange colour...

... is the marking for summer trails on the Swedish side.

A red cross...

... marks winter trails. Remember that winter trails may be completely unsuitable in summer! Remember that the crosses can be covered in snow in winter and difficult to spot!

See marked trails on maps here »