Sawyer nymphs. Photo: Naturcentrum AB.
Legendary fly-fishers
Fell walkers and anglers have been attracted to Gränslandet since the 19th century. One of those who made the area famous far outside Scandinavia was Nils Färnström, one of Sweden’s best-known fly-fishers and author of books on fishing.
In summer 1959, Färnström invited the legendary English fly-fishing expert Frank Sawyer to demonstrate his fishing techniques. After his trip to the river Storån, Sawyer wrote in the fishing magazine Trout & Salmon:
“On our fishing trip we came to a wild and beautiful part of the country, far from habitation, an area where only enthusiastic anglers would want to walk. With regard to natural beauty, I believe that few places in the world could compare to this valley. A real paradise for fly-fishers who love true wilderness.”
The river Storån is now so well-known that fishing is regulated and subject to quotas. You apply for a fishing licence from the Dalarna County Administrative Board.
Frank Sawyer ties his famous “special Swedish nymph” (SS) during a fishing trip to the river Storån. Photo: Nils Fernström.